Congratulations on the mother-in-law's anniversary from the daughter-in-law. Happy birthday greetings to mother-in-law from daughter-in-law Happy birthday greetings to mother-in-law from daughter-in-law

  • Date of: 10.01.2024

From the bottom of my heart I wish you,
So that happiness can be read in your eyes!
May life give you a lot of sun and light,
May your heart always be warmed with warmth!

I wish you health, so that you don’t get sick,
So that your wishes become reality.
I just want to wish you good luck and good luck
I am on this wonderful birthday of yours!

You are a second mother to me,
And I want to wish you
Always carry a smile in your soul,
Get joy from life.

Let the house be filled with light,
Health, happiness and warmth,
And let it become easy and simple
On your young heart.

I wish you to be the most beautiful
Let all worries disappear!
You are your husband's mother, but at the same time
I love you like my daughter loves you!

I wish you unprecedented miracles and the fulfillment of all your desires. I wish you great health and the same prosperity in your home. Let life always play with light, kind, bright colors. Let your children and grandchildren delight you with their love and attention. Never be discouraged and remain the same optimist, ready to enjoy life, be able to extract all the good things from it and appreciate every happy moment. Happy birthday, my dear mother-in-law!

“Thank you” I sincerely tell you,
You gave me a caring husband.
“Thank you” I will repeat to you again,
For putting so much effort into it.

On your birthday I want to wish you,
Good health, success and good luck.
And greet every day with a smile,
Always be happy and nothing else.

May life be filled with goodness
And there will be many joyful moments.
Let all the problems be a trifle,
Mom, happy birthday to you!

Oh, where can I get worthy words?
Congratulations to dear mother-in-law!
To wish you on your birthday
I want to become healthier.
Live happily and without worries,
Only joyful worries,
Luck, kindness, love,
Despite any adversity.
May your soul be bright
And the eyes glow with happiness!

You have become dear and close to me,
Your every advice is important to me,
Whether by phone or by note -
All questions have an answer.

You are both a friend and a designer,
And a doctor, and a cook, and a seamstress.
I am grateful to you for your help,
My second mommy!

I want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish you all the best in life -
Love, patience, luck,
Become a happy grandmother!

Good health, smiles,
And the money - so as not to count.
I also want to say thank you
For the fact that you exist in the world!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish to never know worries.
Let the mood be at the highest level,
And be happy, may God protect you!

You are our assistant and reliable support.
Be young, healthy and beautiful.
I wish you longevity, no doubt.
And I say “thank you” for your son!

Thank you for your work and understanding,
Thank you for your patience again and again.
Thank you for all your efforts.
Let love reign in your home forever!

I congratulate you on your birthday,
And I wish you to live many years,
Wisdom, health and patience,
Experience many joyful moments.

Kindness, care for you, attention
From your family and friends.
And in the family there is mutual understanding,
Happiness and good luck to you everywhere!

At this glorious, good hour,
Congratulations, mom,
I wish you a long life,
You are beautiful, I know for sure!

You are not my mother-in-law at all
And don't "drink" my blood...
You are my mentor and mother,
Not mother-in-law, but grace!

Happy birthday to you, dear,
Happiness, joy without end,
A sea of ​​tender congratulations,
The best impressions!

Always support me, you will understand,
Second mother, you are mine.
And you will find the right words,
Always give care.

You are the best mother-in-law in the world.
I love you very, very much
And from the bottom of my heart I tell you today
I want to wish you good health!

So that you are always happy,
So that the soul always blooms,
So that troubles and bitterness are forgotten,
May you never be sad!

So many kind and warm words
I want to say, dying of impatience,
After all, happy birthday to my beloved mother-in-law
Today I sincerely congratulate you.

I wish you peace and goodness,
So that the morning is good, and the evening is without boredom,
So that the whole family gets together more often,
To make little grandchildren happy.

Good health, shine with beauty,
I love and respect you very much,
You have become very close and dear,
And I am happy to call you mom.

A mother-in-law is a person who gave birth to her husband, didn’t get enough sleep at night when he was sick, and made every effort to raise him to be a good person. Very often the relationship between her and her daughter-in-law is maternal, warm and friendly.

Therefore, she deserves attention on her holiday. And congratulations on the mother-in-law’s birthday from the daughter-in-law, presented in verse or spoken in her own words, will help to provide it.


Lines dedicated to the mother-in-law can be touching, touching the soul, demonstrating that the daughter-in-law is grateful to her for everything she does and appreciates her as a person. Beautiful, touching words can convey all the love, respect, and admiration.

In poetry you can find the best wishes and present them in an original form. After all, now few people will be surprised by banal phrases in which the birthday girl is wished happy years of life, good health and other things.

Oh, where can I get worthy words?
Congratulations to dear mother-in-law!
To wish you on your birthday
I want to become healthier.

Live happily and without worries,
Only joyful worries,
Luck, kindness, love,
Despite any adversity.
May your soul be bright
And the eyes glow with happiness!

When I got married,
I began to think and reflect:
How I am a stranger to a woman
I'll call you mom.

But over the years they have become
You are close and dear to me,
Difficult moments in life
You were always with me.

I wish on your birthday
Health and warmth to you,
And the love of children and grandchildren,
Peace, joy, goodness.

Happy birthday!
I sincerely wish you
Many years, health, happiness,
Let bad weather pass you by.

You became my second mother,
Wise, kind, the very best.
Thank you for your son -
A real man.

Happy birthday to you
And wanting a lot,
First of all I will say “thank you”
For my husband (that is, for your son),
For education, patience
And your blessing to us.

May everything be fine for you:
In career, friendship, personal life.
May you live many more years
And pamper and love your grandchildren.
Joyful and different events,
So that every day feels like a holiday!

Some people get a simple mother-in-law,
For someone with a complex character, but for me
I got it, I won’t hide it, my mother-in-law was golden.
Such mothers-in-law are at a huge price!

Today is your anniversary, dear!
And your son and I want from the bottom of our hearts
Confess your love and say that we know
We remember and appreciate how good you are!

Is there a mother-in-law who is loved?
The question, of course, is not about us!
My mother-in-law is unique
All congratulations to you!

You are the best, I know for sure
You are patient and wise,
And our union is reliable, strong,
There is no me and you, but only WE!

I wish you great health,
For a very, very long time,
Lovingly, I call you mother-in-law,
Good luck to you, good man!

Happy birthday.
May you be cheerful and healthy.
Husband, I firmly promise
I will cherish and love.

I will be your son
Like you, protect.
I promise to wash the dishes
And wipe away the dust.

And - thanks for the advice,
For your help and participation.
I wish you many years to come,
Peace, joy and happiness.

You are ideal for your son
Women and mothers.
He was looking for the same
Long and diligently.

I'm not sure if I
Close to ideal
But, loving him and you -
I'll try my best!

I wish you
A little patience
Also - health
And have a great mood!

Wishes in poetry can be spiced up if the mother-in-law values ​​a sense of humor. Cool words collected into phrases are an excellent option to congratulate a loved one, present an original gift, and cheer up the hero of the occasion and the guests who are present at the holiday. She will appreciate this approach.

There are many congratulations in verse that can be chosen to suit every taste; it is important to determine what meaning they should carry. After all, touching words will touch the hero of the occasion to the depths of her soul, give her cheeks a light blush, and fill her eyes with tears of joy. A birthday is the most appropriate occasion to thank the person who gave you a caring and loving spouse for everything.


In addition to congratulations in verse, you can give the hero of the occasion beautiful or funny wishes in prose. They can be filled with the same warm and gentle words, gratitude, numerous wishes and much more.
Congratulations on your mother-in-law's birthday in prose are presented easily, naturally, they can be supplemented, diluted with your own phrases, and this will make them even better. On your birthday I want to wish always in a spring mood, impeccable well-being, sincere smiles and constant happiness in life. May your home never be visited by sadness and grief, may the flame of love and hope always burn. On this day I want to say a huge thank you for my husband, for your son, whom, albeit not without a bit of jealousy, you were able to give to me.
I’ve been calling you mom for a long time now, Happy birthday, I want to say that you are the kindest mother-in-law in the world! Even if wrinkles appear, it will only be from laughter and smiles, and there will be only pleasant worries. Take care of yourself and arrange holidays for yourself more often, and we will always support you in this!
On your birthday, I would sincerely like to wish you always remain kind and friendly, affectionate and sweet. Let nothing darken your face, and let your children and grandchildren illuminate your home every day with happiness and smiles. I wish you not to lose optimism, to believe only in the good, and we will always be there.
There are never many mothers in the world,
But fate brings gifts.
You are the mother-in-law, we are happy children.
And today all the words are for you.

Happy birthday to you!
From my heart I want to wish:
Be healthy, happy, beautiful,
Don't get sick, don't be sad, don't suffer.

Let life be easy and calm,
May your soul be full of happiness.
I will thank you for my son,
I am a happy daughter and wife.

A mother-in-law is just a woman
No more, but no less.
She gave birth to a son, raised him for a long time,
Then I let him go into life,
And the time has come - I got married.

And I married him,
And I will stay with him forever.
And it’s difficult for a mother to share her son
And try to be friends with your daughter-in-law.

I understand it all
And I wish you only the best.
I open my heart to you.
May God grant you health and long life,
No tears, no sadness, no troubles.

Sincere wishes, uttered in your own words, sound unobtrusive, you can put the necessary meaning into them, which will certainly be conveyed to the birthday girl and appreciated by her. There are so many things you want to wish on your birthday, but sometimes it’s hard to put it all together in a poem. Therefore, congratulating the hero of the occasion in your own words will be much better.

In addition to deep, sincere words in prose, you can present humorous, funny congratulations. This option is suitable for those cases when the birthday girl is not only the mother of the spouse, but also a close person, a friend, who will always give practical advice. Just for this occasion, there are cool wishes that will once again emphasize the spiritual closeness between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.

The majority has long had an opinion -
Mother-in-law is usually boring and stubborn.
But I know: rumor is not always right,
After all, for me, my mother-in-law is a second mother.

I wish you, mom, on this day,
So that fate is rich in gifts,
For kind and decent people,
May the celebration of life be long and bright!

There is a special love in my life:
My nice and kind mother-in-law -
Wonderful grandmother and mother,
That she could give me such a son.

On your birthday and other days -
And when we are close, and when we are alone -
I will never tire of sincerely thanking you,
Why are you trying not to blame your daughter-in-law?

Why are you coming to visit, having warned us,
Why don't you act against your son?
That you give the family a great chance to breathe
And sometimes we can take a break from the children.

Well, the fact that the years are added,
It will never affect you -
We will surround you with care and guardianship,
So that I know how much we value you.

You are in your big family
They took me in as if they were their own.
Gave me love
At least not a mother, but a mother-in-law.

But I’ll tell you the truth -
Became a mother to me!
It's your birthday today,
Please accept congratulations.

I want to wish you
Never lose heart.
Always be beautiful
And, to the joy of everyone, happy!

I'm very lucky to have you,
I hope you are with me too!

I wish you a life without sadness,
Don't know insults, don't know losses,
And may you have excellent health
You will have the best of rewards.

On the birthday of the “second” mother, congratulatory words should be the most sincere, spoken from the heart. Beautiful and funny wishes will help with this. It doesn’t matter if they consist of several lines or if they take a long time to read. It is much more important that they are spoken from the heart. I want to say thank you today
For the fact that you managed to become close to me!
For your son, for your Love,
And may I be your daughter-in-law, and you my mother-in-law,

But you and I have found a common language,
I want to bow to my mother today,
Let mom not be the first, let mom be second,
After all, you managed to become my dear mother!

I found the best adviser in you!
There is no bitterness or evil in your speeches!
And if we had disputes,
I want to ask you for forgiveness,

So that I don’t offend you with a dashing word in the future!
I wish you to shine like sunshine in the future,
And kindle us with this flame again,
Instilling Respect, Love into our marriage!

I wish you excellent health, good mood, long happy years! May your son give you love, care and attention, may your grandchildren give you joy and consolation, and may I be ready to listen, come to your aid, and support you. Enjoy every moment, because life is divine nectar, which is savored slowly!
Over the years, you have become a dear and close person to me. On your birthday, I wish you to always be as positive, cheerful, wise and condescending towards us. Let every day bring a sea of ​​joy and positive emotions, and let your dearest and most beloved people be nearby! I wish you happiness and harmony in your home!
The mother-in-law will enjoy attention from her daughter-in-law. She will appreciate the gift she presented in the form of solemn or quiet lines, which will delight her memory for a long time, and after the next memory of them her soul will become warmer.

Birthdays come only once a year, so the words spoken on this day should be strong, sensual and, most importantly, sincere.

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish to never know worries.
Let the mood be at the highest level,
And be happy, may God bless you!

You are our assistant and reliable support.
Be young, healthy and beautiful.
I wish you longevity, no doubt.
And I say “thank you” for your son!

Thank you for your work and understanding,
Thank you for your patience again and again.
Thank you for all your efforts.
Let love reign in your home forever!


Happy birthday to you, mom,
Congratulations to the whole family,
May you be the happiest
And so young!

So that health is nearby,
Joy, Your beauty,
So that with just one glance
You drove everyone crazy.

Be as sweet as you are
Nice and expensive.
And thank you for your son,
He is a golden man!


In this glorious, good time,
Congratulations, mom,
I wish you a long life,
You are wonderful, I know for sure!

You are not my mother-in-law at all
And don’t “drink” my blood...
You are my mentor and mother,
Not mother-in-law, but grace!

Happy birthday to you, dear,
Happiness, joy without end,
A sea of ​​tender congratulations,
Best impressions!


You, mother-in-law, dear,
Celebrate your birthday.
We sincerely wish you:
You will meet us more often.

We, children, love you,
We love coming to your house,
For us you are just a miracle:
Everything you do is good.

We wish with a boomerang
May goodness flow to you
And spins to the tango rhythm
Every day and every moment.


When I got married,
I began to think and reason:
How I am a stranger to a woman
I'll call you mom.

But over the years they have become
Near and dear to me,
Difficult moments in life
You were always with me.

I wish on your birthday
Health and warmth to you,
And the love of children and grandchildren,
Peace, joy, goodness.

Happy birthday greetings to my husband's mother


Dear, beloved and most responsive mother-in-law, we congratulate you on your birthday! We wish that your cherished dreams come true. So that joy and smile are always present in your life. Be healthy, beautiful, successful, loved, active and simply happy with all your heart!


Oh, where can I get worthy words?
Congratulations to dear mother-in-law!
To wish you on your birthday
I want to become healthier.
Live happily and without worries,
Only joyful worries,
Luck, kindness, love,
Despite any adversity.
Let your soul be bright,
And the eyes glow with happiness!


My dear mother-in-law, I congratulate you on your birthday and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you prosperity in life, not only financially, but also spiritually. Let warm words and joyful laughter always sound in your home. Let every day be a holiday for your soul and an excellent reason to do something beautiful. I wish you the love of your family, a wonderful mood and good health.


You became my second mother,
And I truly love you.
For your kindness and affection,
I thank you for my son.

On your birthday I wish
From the bottom of my heart, dear, to you,
So that you don't know sadness,
It was easy to get up in the morning!

For good health,
Always had a full wallet
So that more often children and grandchildren
They flocked to see you!


Always support me, you will understand,
Second mother, you are mine.
And you will find the right words,
Always give care.

You are the best mother-in-law in the world.
I love you very, very much
And from the bottom of my heart I tell you today
I want to wish you good health!

So that you are always happy,
So that the soul always blooms,
So that troubles and bitterness are forgotten,
So that you never lose heart!

Happy birthday wishes to mother-in-law from daughter-in-law. Funny SMS congratulations to mother-in-law on her birthday


Thank you from the bottom of my heart
For kindness and care.
In all the problems of the young
I want to help you.

Always first call
You hurry with a smile.
Don't criticize me
For laziness and mistakes.

I want a happy birthday
Congratulate you heartily,
I wish you to be healthy,
Happy forever.


I congratulate you, mother,
Happy birthday! And in connection
Happy holiday
I wish from the bottom of my heart:

Don't get sick, don't worry,
Don't get up on either foot
Come visit more often
Grabbing us some pies.

You are our bright little man,
That which gives us warmth
I confess that in my life I feel very
You're lucky with your mother-in-law!


It rarely happens
And I was lucky, so to speak,
What you want is not to order,
And it’s fair to call you mom.

I wish you long and bright
The warmth of lulled years.
Let luck not tarry on the way,
The gem shines with health.

Success in any endeavors,
Fewer anxious moments.
And always know: in our house
You are loved, welcomed and waited for!


A whirlwind of congratulations
Please accept it from me.
You became my second mother,
They helped a lot.

Happy birthday now
I want to congratulate you!
Dear mother-in-law,
Stay young

Cheerful, beautiful,
Let all troubles pass by.
Let it be clear in your soul,
After all, you have a beautiful soul!

May your home be cozy
And there is always abundance in it.
May you have good health
It was as strong as a diamond!


You have become dear and close to me,
Your every advice is important to me,
By phone or by note -
All questions have an answer.

You are both a friend and a designer,
And a doctor, and a cook, and a seamstress.
I am grateful to you for your help,
My second mommy!

I want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish you all the best in life -
Love, patience, luck,
Become a happy grandmother!

Good health, smiles,
And so as not to transfer money.
I also want to say thank you
For the fact that you exist in the world!

Happy birthday wishes to mother-in-law from daughter-in-law. SMS congratulations to mother-in-law


Another year has flown by,
The wheel of life turns...
Left behind in the distance
Last year, so what?

You shouldn't be upset:
You are as young as ever.
May the years not disappoint you,
You are bright, gentle, kind.

May good luck accompany you
Faith, happiness and love.
In life you will never cry,
My dear mother-in-law.


I always call you mom
Happy birthday, warmest congratulations,
And I wish you to live in peace and happiness,
Only with clear skies, no bad weather!

May the Lord measure in full,
And gives health, wisdom, faith,
Good news, joy of the soul,
Life will spin like a bright carousel!

So that all relatives are healthy,
We lived with you in friendship and understanding,
And they loved you and adored you,
They understood and did not offend!


My mother-in-law, who became a friend,
Now I congratulate you as a friend.
Like a woman and just have it.
And now I want to wish you something.

Much love and respect,
Let all the excitement go
More health and success
And joyful laughter of grandchildren.


I will say without pretense,
You have become like family to me.
Thank you for your kindness
And know that I love you.

Live long, don't get sick,
Don't become hard-hearted over the years.
May every day be filled with happiness,
And let all your wishes come true.


You are my second mother,
I love and appreciate you
Lots of happiness on your birthday
I want to wish you.

May your health be strong
Life is without sadness and troubles,
And the Lord sends you
Live in good health for many years!

Happy birthday wishes to mother-in-law from daughter-in-law. Happy birthday greetings to my husband's mother


May this day last longer
And I will say from my heart again:
" Happy birthday,
My beloved mother-in-law!

The daughter-in-law was taken in vain
Always frighten with an evil mother-in-law,
After all, from the first days we were soul to soul
We live as one big family.

We only see support from you
In family life matters.
Health, money and good luck,
And only joy in the eyes!


I wish you success and a lot of goodness,
May your birthday be bright!
I wish you good health and see the doctors
You haven't been to treatment for ages!

May all your dreams come true,
And every moment will be joyful,
And everything that is very important to you will be
So that life finds only rainbow colors!


Happy birthday, dear mother-in-law!
I wish you good luck in everything.
Loving you with all my heart, congratulations.
Let happiness illuminate your home.

Let your every day be happy,
Let the soul radiate joy,
The world around will be clean, beautiful,
May life always be good.

Please, smile more often,
After all, a smile suits you very well.
Always try to be cheerful
Let the bad things pass by.


It is with pleasure that I greet you as my second mother, and I wish you to remain as wise and resilient, look into the future with enthusiasm, and have fun spending time with the people you love. May your health never fail you, may good luck accompany you, and may joy visit you every day. Happy birthday!


Happy birthday to you
And wanting a lot,
First of all I will say “thank you”
For my husband (that is, for your son),
For education, patience
And your blessing to us.
May everything be great for you:
In career, friendship, personal life.
May you live many more years
And pamper and love your grandchildren.
Joyful and different events,
So that every day feels like a holiday!

SMS congratulations to mother-in-law


I don't have a mother-in-law in my life.
This term is not suitable for mothers!
You know, your cute silhouette
Gives all the most stylish ladies a head start!

You are beautiful, sensual, gentle
And luxurious... Know this, mom!
You are not afraid of obstacles at all,
You are our Divine lady!

I wish you happiness for many years to come,
Let it keep pace with you.
Stay young always
With both soul and bright eyes!


Happy birthday!
I sincerely wish you
Many years, health, happiness,
May bad weather pass you by.

You became my second mother,
Wise, kind, the very best.
Thank you for your son -
A real man.


Dear mother-in-law,
Mommy second,
Happy birthday to you
Congratulations today.

Don't worry about your son
I'll look after him
He's the best in the world
And I love him.

I wish you well
And the house is full of happiness,
And so that you don't get bored,
We will bring our grandchildren.


I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.
May everyone's dreams come true.
More joyful moments
Less fuss in life!

I wish you this holiday, mommy,
So that you both smell and bloom,
So that all your sorrows go away,
May you go through life with a smile!


My beloved mother-in-law,
My second mother in life.
So many warm, gentle words
I want to tell you without deception.

Thank you for being son
Became the best spouse in the world.
May there be peace in your home,
There will be no sadness or illness!

I wish you many years of health,
Love, kindness, health, happiness.
May it be your birthday
Dreams will come true immediately!

Happy birthday wishes to mother-in-law from daughter-in-law. Congratulations to the mother-in-law in verse and prose


Today I want to thank you
For a husband who is more beautiful than anyone in the world.
I wish you to live your life with a smile,
May your children always make you happy.

I wish you health and love,
May all your dreams come true!
May the sky protect you from bad weather,
May only miracles happen to you!

I wish you to be a leader in everything,
Go to success without hassle and sadness!
Once again, congratulations on your day!
May joy never let you go!


I congratulate you on your birthday,
And I wish you to live many years,
Wisdom, health and patience,
Experience many joyful moments.

Kindness, care for you, attention
From your family and friends.
And in the family there is mutual understanding,
Happiness and good luck to you everywhere!


I don't call you mother-in-law,
And I call you dear mommy.
You greeted me with love,
Thank you for this!

And happy birthday,
I wish you to be the happiest of all.
I dream that you may live long,
And your ringing laughter was heard!

So as not to grow old, not to get sick,
Everything was ok with the figure
To look at the world with joy,
For your grandchildren and children!


You are in your big family
They took me in as if they were their own.
Gave me love
At least not a mother, but a mother-in-law.

But I’ll tell you the truth -
Became a mother to me!
It's your birthday today,
Please accept congratulations.

I want to wish you
Never lose heart.
Always be beautiful
And, to the joy of everyone, happy!


I sincerely say “thank you” to you,
You gave me a caring husband.
“Thank you” I will repeat to you again,
For putting so much effort into it.

On your birthday I want to wish you,
Good health, success and good luck.
And greet every day with a smile,
Always be happy and nothing else.

May life be filled with goodness
And there will be many joyful moments.
Let all the problems be a trifle,
Mom, happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday mother in law


Let them tell tales
About the mother-in-law monster,
I will tell everyone without hiding:
Mine is like a ray of sunshine!

Let her light not fade away
Another hundred years, no less,
May your eyes always shine
To be gloomy less often.

I wish you prosperity in life,
You don't need to know anything.
For the least amount of effort
Enough to make me happy!


My mother-in-law is my friend and amulet,
You became my second mother,
And even though sometimes we argue with you -
You are still my dear person,

Thank you for our family experience
With your wisdom you protected
And they didn’t scold - they only helped,
And today is your birthday!

Let this day be warmed with warmth,
After all, you are so important to us in life,
Health to you, patience, good luck
And many long and happy years!


You are my mother, not my mother-in-law,
Thank you for your warmth and respect.
For your son, care and love
Thank you. Happy Birthday!

I wish you health and prosperity,
Success, joy and much, much happiness!
You are with us, it means everything is fine.
You have become an important part of our life!


Happy Birthday!
Let the smile be wider
Let the mood rise
Will increase worldwide.

There will be happiness without bends,
May you always be lucky in everything,
Thank you very much
And for my son, and for everything!


Thank you very much
For the way my son was raised.
You gave me love
They gave me hope and support.

On your birthday I want
I wish you goodness and light,
So that spring blooms in your soul,
And let the colors of summer play.

Let your dreams come true
And secret desires.
And here's another thing, I'll give you a grandchild
I want to give it to foster care.


Is there a mother-in-law who is loved?
The question, of course, is not about us!
My mother-in-law is unique,
All congratulations to you!

You are the best, I know for sure
You are patient and wise,
And our union is reliable, strong,
Not me and you, but only WE!

I wish you great health,
For a very, very long time,
Lovingly, I call you mother-in-law,
Good luck to you, good man!


Dear mother-in-law, happy birthday,
Congratulations from me now to you,
Very heartfelt wishes,
Long lasting for a happy life!

And have a great mood,
And good luck in everything, and skill,
Warmth from children and grandchildren,
So that there is no time for boredom!

To make your soft cheeks blush,
The pies were always successful,
To give gifts more often,
All your family loved you very much!


Happy birthday, dear mother!
It just so happens that you are my mother-in-law,
But we are relatives because we know:
Your blood flows in my children.

Let your health not let you down,
The shadow of sadness will not darken the face,
A ray of sunshine instills in the morning,
Let your heart beat like a chronometer.

Your happiness lies in your children and grandchildren.
Go to bed with quiet joy in your soul.
Congratulations and kiss your hands,
We wish you not to lose optimism!


My beloved mother-in-law,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Let 20 come back to you again,
I wish you great happiness.

Thank you for your son
For a warm dinner on the table.
You, like a court princess,
Like a ray of sunshine in a window.

I wish you great health,
Mutual love and kindness,
And angels in our heads,
Gather everyone's relatives around the fire.

Let adversity get out of the way,
Let your eyes shine with happiness.
And only from laughter there will be tears,
Be healthy always.


You are a second mother to me,
And I want to wish you
Always carry a smile in your soul,
Get joy from life.

Let the house be filled with light,
Health, happiness and warmth,
And let it become easy and simple
On your young heart.

I wish you to be the most beautiful
Let all worries disappear!
You are your husband's mother, but at the same time
I love you like my daughter loves you!

After all, she is most often the mother. She respects her son’s choice and loves his chosen one like her own daughter. And the best thing is that these feelings are usually mutual. At least in your case. After all, otherwise you wouldn’t be looking for beautiful birthday greetings for your mother-in-law from your daughter-in-law, right?

One way or another, to give the birthday girl maximum pleasure, you will have to try. This man lived in the world for many years, saw a lot, and accepted all sorts of congratulations. Some of them were bad, some were good. This fact obliges you to be more selective in your own words, because you won’t surprise an adult woman with ordinary banality. Try to come up with something, and if you don’t succeed, then Vlio will provide you with ready-made congratulations on your mother-in-law’s birthday from your daughter-in-law.

In this section you will find everything you have been looking for for so long. These are excellent poems that will be able to penetrate the soul of any woman, melt any ice that is in her, and simply write this day in her memory as one of the most unusual and interesting. Together with Vlio you can give the perfect congratulations!

Today is my mother-in-law's holiday,
She invited guests
And she set the table beautifully,
I gathered my relatives.

I want to congratulate her
And tell her from the heart,
That I want to glorify her,
What a wonderful mother!

May she always laugh
Never gets tired
Let it remain the same
And it protects your health!

My beloved mother-in-law,

I wish you health again,
Everything that is missing in life!

I'm very lucky to have you,
I hope you are with me too!
You and I get along in spite of everything,
I congratulate you with love!

My mother-in-law is my friend!
Not many people are so lucky in life,
And we got along with each other,
And we have been friends for many years.

Happy birthday to you, dear,
My beloved mother-in-law,
I wish you health and happiness,
And don’t be sad in vain!

We will celebrate today -
The heart will become more cheerful.
Be with the years, our mother,
Healthier and more fun!

Happy birthday everyone together
We will congratulate you for a long time,
Happiness, joyful moments
We will wish for a lot!

My mother-in-law is a good friend to me
And on my birthday again
I want a spouse for my mother
Wish you everything in the world!

May your health be strong
Let your father-in-law always please!
May you have a hundredfold strength
For a very long time!

Let everything be in order in the house,
Let your soul be filled with happiness!
Let him not forget forever
How good life is in the world!

My mother-in-law is always charming.
And it’s so precious to me.
Always caring, wonderful
An example of hearth protection.

She let me into her house,
And she definitely accepted it.
I fell in love as I am,
Without further ado, I understood.

Congratulations to her!
She deserves praise.
And I wish her a lot of happiness
And birthday tables

Let them burst with treats
And let the congratulations be countless.
I wish you to laugh more
Praise, respect and honor to you!

You are an excellent mother-in-law
Everyone dreams of something like this.
Today, mommy, I am again
Happy birthday to you!

And I sincerely wish you
Good health, good luck!
Success in life and business,
To become more beautiful and richer!

Happy birthday, beloved mother-in-law.
I am glad to see you and congratulate you again.
From the bottom of my heart I wish my heart to grow younger,
It’s better not to regret the years gone by.

After all, years are wealth, after all, years are success.
I wish you joy, let your laughter ring out.
You are my dear friend and second mother.
I want to wish you happiness and peace.

Dear Mom, Happy Birthday to you!
Thank you for your kindness, for your sincerity
Your beautiful eyes!
Accept gifts and flowers for the holiday.

Mother-in-law is like a second mother
Managed to love me
And on your birthday I wish
My mother-in-law has a sweet life,

Let everything in the world succeed,
May every moment be sweet to you,
May luck smile
I wish you vigor and strength!

You are the mother-in-law, and I am the daughter-in-law,
I'm terribly lucky!
What place have I found in life?
In your affectionate family.

I congratulate you today,
May God give you health!
And with all my heart I wish
Less stress and anxiety!

And if we had disputes,

You are the moral support
And the solution to the female lot!
Because they ate it themselves
Not one pound of salt already!

They say that with my mother-in-law
Getting along with a woman is not easy!
Our mother is not like that
And deserves a toast!

Today is my mother-in-law's holiday -
She's good today.
She is not my mother by blood,
But a very close soul.
My mother-in-law gave me a son,
And I gave birth to her grandson.
Our strength lies in family ties,
She's stronger than the bit.
Dear mother, congratulations.
I wish you peace and prosperity,
I conjure you to bloom with happiness,
Give yourself over to love without a trace.

Thank you for your kind words,
My beloved mother-in-law!
I wish you great health,
I give my daughter's love!
I wish there was prosperity:
And the stream of goodness never dried up!
I appreciate it for the heart of gold,
God bless and preserve you!

When I fell in love with your son,
I didn’t think that this was doubly happiness,
That I will be with you as if in my own home.
Such mothers-in-law, I tell you, are valuable.
Let me tell you today: “Thank you!”
I would like to wish you on this holiday,
So that you will certainly be carried in their arms
And they left less household chores!

Let's raise our glasses again
And let's drink to your mother-in-law!
Well, how can you not honor him with a glass?
Mother of the groom?
She gave me a son,
He was raised and cared for,
And what a fellow!
Good, pretty,
Similar to the sun.
Thanks to her from the whole family!
And we'll fill our cups
And let's drink to your health!

I love my mother-in-law
I'll give her poetry
I wish you long days,
You, dear, don’t be sick!

Let the mood be wonderful
And friends come to visit more often!
May all wishes come true,
And your eyes glow with happiness!

Let the stars in the sky shine
Dreams come true again
Fireworks are shooting everywhere,
My dear mother-in-law.

Let your eyelids be filled with happiness,
And the tears will go away forever,
And in your house let him forever
Only the best will be friends.

My husband's mother is like my own mother,
Over time you have become to me:
So much worthwhile advice
They've given me shit throughout my life!

What to say and how to see
How to close up pickles for winter.
On this holiday your special
Happy Birthday!

You are always beautiful -
Both figure and soul.
May troubles and bad weather
They pass you by.

It's so good that my husband's mother
Always like a best friend
He will help and advise us,
What should we do here and there?

Helps make the dough softer
And the house is cozier and hotter,
And on a summer day - to attract coolness.
We better not need a mother-in-law!

She is our mother to all of us,
She has a lot of kindness!
And to our mothers - like a sister,
That you've been on your feet since morning.

All holidays in life are on it!
She leads the whole team!
And give her the whole country into her hands -
During our lifetime we will live in paradise!

Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, dear blood!
Your own and common love!
Live a hundred years, and we are with you,
One herd, one destiny!

Your birthday is important
We will not tire of answering,
Nothing that every year
Blow out more candles

Let there be no drama in life,
There will be only glitter and chic,
And health to our mother
I wish from the bottom of my heart.

Let the years pass, let
Stay young
With your warm hand
You save our union.

Today is a holiday in our house,
Your family is in a hurry to congratulate you.
Do you remember when with a bouquet -
For the first time, did I appear?

How I was scared of you - terribly,
I was embarrassed to say a word.
How you extended your hands to me,
They tried to seat me at the table.

Many moments have passed since then -
Now, you are my mother.
Live long, very long!
Your whole family loves you very much!

Happy Birthday, dear!
You are like a second mother to me.
I love you, respect you,
Bright days, I wish you good luck!

Your son has become a good husband to me.
Thank you for it.
I promise to be obedient
And don’t upset you, mom!

I want to say thank you today
For the fact that you managed to become close to me!
For your son, for your Love,
And may I be your daughter-in-law, and you my mother-in-law,

But you and I have found a common language,
I want to bow to my mother today,
Let mom not be the first, let mom be second,
After all, you managed to become my dear mother!

I found the best adviser in you!
There is no bitterness or evil in your speeches!
And if we had disputes,
I want to ask you for forgiveness,

So that I don’t offend you with a dashing word in the future!
I wish you to shine like sunshine in the future,
And kindle us with this flame again,
Instilling Respect, Love into our marriage!

The mother-in-law is not a terrible villain.
The mother-in-law is not a monster, not a vampire.
Just a loving mother
What protects the son of the world.

My mother-in-law is my friend,
My guard who keeps peace.
She and I respect each other.
And I love her either way.

She is the dearest thing to me
On the wedding day I gave it away without tears.
For this, dear mother,
Accept this hundred roses.

You are a second mother for us,

You are ready to give us
Experience that you have gained yourself.

There are no number of good words,
You always cheer us up.
May God bless you,
Live for another hundred years.

Who loves unselfishly and sincerely,
Who gives us strength in a difficult life?!
If someone feels bad, they will always take a nap,
Who will regret, forgive and understand?!

Who cherishes and cherishes our happiness,
Who protects our union and love?!
Who helps, does not force you in anything,
Who appreciates us?!

Thank you, dear, that we have you,
That we see and hear you every hour,
For your kind soul and warm word,
For not seeing anything bad in life.

Thank you, our dear person!
We wish you health and joy,
Let the light in your soul never go out!
Beautiful and young -
Be like this for another hundred years!

A good mother-in-law is a second mother.
My mother-in-law and I are very lucky.
We both love the same man
We maintain comfort and family warmth.
Happy birthday, my second mother,
My older friend, mother-in-law.
Thank you for your wisdom and advice,
For your help, patience and love.
I wish you joy, warmth and understanding,
So that your son pays attention to you.
Good health and joyful moments,
Gifts and beautiful compliments.

Dear Madam Mother-in-Law!
Congratulations on your honors!
Long life and patience
I wish you on your birthday!

Fulfillment of all desires
And successful in all your endeavors!
Playing games with my grandchildren,
Live every day smiling!

You are a second mother for us,
You are always with us in all our hearts.
You are ready to give us
Experience that you have gained yourself.
There are no number of good words,
You always cheer us up.
May God bless you,
Live for another hundred years.

The song of joy splashes powerfully,
May mother-in-law be healthy forever,
Let you have fat ears,
So that there are lush breads,

Great happiness in life,
To laugh - not to be sad,
So that without tears and troubles -
And marry all the grandchildren!

Today is my mother-in-law's holiday -
She's good today.
She is not my mother by blood,
But a very close soul.
My mother-in-law gave me a son,
And I gave birth to her grandson.
Our strength lies in family ties,
She's stronger than the bit.
Dear mother, congratulations.
I wish you peace and prosperity,
I conjure you to bloom with happiness,
Give yourself over to love without a trace.

Let them say that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law
It's as if a cat and a dog live.
We are in retaliation for all gossip and rumors
We appreciate each other. Let people don't lie

That such relationships don’t exist!
Let trouble not touch you, mother!
I congratulate you on your birthday,
Don't change, please, never!

I heartily congratulate you, mother.
Today's birthday is not easy -
First of all, I wish you health
And in business there is only great growth.
Your eyes are brighter than the depths of the seas
Life is more fun with you, mommy.
I'm glad there's a beautiful lady nearby

After all, just recently,
You were a stranger
And now I call you mom,
Became my dear
I'm ready for my mother-in-law
Take the stars out of the sky
Be happy, be healthy,
We love you!

My mother-in-law is my friend!
Not many people are so lucky in life,
And we got along with each other,
And we've been friends for years
Happy birthday to you, dear,
My beloved mother-in-law,
I wish you health and happiness,
And don’t be sad in vain!

If I didn't know you,
I would shed tears from grief!
Golden man, beautiful lady -
I congratulate you, my dear mother!
I wish you health for many years to come,
So that your husband stands behind you like a mountain
Happy birthday to you,
And above all, I wish you happiness!

Poems from my mother-in-law
We are always ready to devote.
After all, this is their immeasurable work,
What a troublemaker got married.
No need to worry anymore
And quarrel with my “little” son:
And where was he, and who was he with,
And where did he drink, and what did he drink...
A young woman will come to her mother-in-law -
The mother-in-law immediately melts with happiness.
Doesn't know where to sit,
Deciding what to treat?
You need to take care of your mother-in-law for this,
Give rewards for sons
And remember all their troubles,
Don't forget to visit them!

Happy holidays, dear mother-in-law
I sincerely congratulate you!
Joy and happiness, health, love
Let them not fade away in life.
I also wish you always
You remained young
So that no sorrow, no pain, no misfortune
You've never met.